Friday, December 27, 2019
Predicaments Caused by Affirmative Action - 574 Words
College, one of the first and most important milestones individuals achieve. Many students strive to make excellent grades, excel in varsity sports, and get involved in extracurricular activities, solely to stand out from the crowd. Every determining factor in college admissions is up to the individual, except for one, race. A vast amount of students find this factor controversial. Colleges are accepting and denying students admission based on a factor that students have no control over. This system of admission has been implemented by the government in 1961. The system was created due to the colossal amount of discrimination minorities have faced in the past, it’s called Affirmative Action. Affirmative Actions purpose was to create a diverse environment, which meant, sometimes turning down the best individual for the job. At the time, this was necessary, but now, not so much. Affirmative Action was crucial for minorities to gain financial stability after being oppressed for d ecades, but in modern society, there has to be a system to assure the best individual for the job. Affirmative Action can cause a predicament for society in a whole. A highly qualified student can be denied admission from their first choice college, due to their race. They can be subjected to Affirmative Action after they graduate also. When the individual is looking to start up their career, Affirmative Action can be a factor that denies them from obtaining that position. When President KennedyShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action And Its Effect On Society Essay1639 Words  | 7 Pagesbased on a person’s race is wrong. For this reason affirmative action in higher education admission should alter for it creates a perpetual racial preference in admission. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Customer Service Standards at Organisations - 3296 Words
Introduction In this I will explain how customer service standards are planned, implemented and monitored and the impact this has on the operation of Asda. My research will come from the internet, magazines and books. Customer service standards of Asda Refund policies: [pic] Asda informs customers on how to cancel and conditions of cancelling. Asda informs customers on the period on returns Asda has up to 7 days under the delivery distance and 7 to 28 days after delivery products which can not be delivered unless they are faulty, return of damaged, products that might be faulty or information might not be correct. [pic] Asda has the same refund policy as tesco. This good because they are competing with the market leader by†¦show more content†¦Such measures are commonly used to help an organization define and evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of making progress towards its long-term organisational goals. Some example of qualitative performance indicators in Asda: Sales and profit Asda works out regularly if there sales and profits have increased or decreased. If asda see that that their sales are going down then they start to do promotional offers or special offers to try and make there sales and profit level higher. The customer service standards of asda are high so that will improve their customer service. [pic] This is an example of promotional offers to try and make their sales and profit for Asda go higher. Customer satisfaction surveys Asda do customer service satisfaction surveys to find out customer opinions for example how are their customer service standards in Asda and customer service complaints Asda do customer satisfaction surveys in order to improve their customer service. Also if the profit and sales levels of Asda decrease they can give surveys out to customers in order to make profit and sales levels go high. Employee appraisals Asda do employees appraisals in order to inform their employees on what they have done badly and good and to make improvements on their performance. Asda do this in order to improve employee performance and to improve their customer service. For exampleShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service Essay1247 Words  | 5 Pages1. Organisations that intend to be successful need to design products, services and product/ service bundles to meet customer needs. How can they do this and how can they ensure that the organisation’s plans achieve quality, time and cost specifications agreed with customers? What data and records might be drawn upon to make plans intended to meet customer needs? Organisations that use market research to gather feedback from consumers regarding product design and product/ service bundles tend toRead MoreCustomer Service Essay641 Words  | 3 Pagesby an organisation to communicate with customers to identify and agree on product/ service specifications. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Process of Leadership Innovation and Change
Question: Discuss about the Process of Leadership Innovation and Change. Answer: Leadership and Change Concept The term leadership refers to the process of managing a group of people. In order to lead a group of people, an individual should have the ability to communicate with the followers. On the other hand, change refers to the management tool through which an organization implements new strategies. In order to implement a new business strategy, a leader must have the ability to lead the change management. Here, it is highly important to communicate with the employees in order to create urgency of the change (Sheldon 2016). Therefore, it can be said that in order to bring change within organization, it is essential to implement appropriate leadership approach. Importance of Locus Control There are two types of locus control such as internal and external. A person with internal locus control believes in taking responsibility for everything. These kinds of people believe in taking action in order to influence the followers. On the other hand, people with external locus control believe in blaming people for outcome. These kinds of people are more reluctant to take responsibilities of the followers (Benzie, Pryce and Smith 2016). There is certain difference between these types, which influences the leadership approach of individuals. The major difference between these two categories is leadership approach. An individual with internal locus control communicates with the followers in order to achieve objectives. On the other hand, people with external locus gove instruction for achieving objectives. Self-esteem and Leadership In order to influence a group of people, a leader should set examples among the employees. Therefore, it is highly important to be self-esteemed while leading a group of people. It helps to influence the followers as a role model. Therefore, self-esteem is the most important thing than a leader should have. In order to influence the followers, a leader must have adequate confidence on decision-making. The leader should reach the ultimate level of Maslows hierarchy, which is self-actualized (Martin and McCarthy 2016). In this phase, people are allowed to influence others with their decision-making ability. Therefore, it can be said that there is huge relationship between leadership and self-esteem. Contingency Theory, leader behavior and situational leadership The behavior of a leader depends on the leadership approach. There are several leadership approaches such as transformational, transactional, situational and autocratic. In transformational approach, an individual can communicate with the followers in order to implement innovation. On the other hand, in autocratic leadership approach, leaders force the followers to achieve a specific objective (Johnson and McKenzie 2016). The situational leaders are able to change their approach in accordance with the situational demand. The great man theory of leadership emphasize that a leader is not created, but can be trained. Therefore, it can be said that leadership approach of an individual depends on their learning and development. Values, Ethics and leadership In leadership, values and ethics are the most important factor that influences leadership approach of an individual. A leader should maintain ethical practice in order to improve organizational culture. A leader should not be discriminative while dealing with their followers. In order to influence the followers in an efficient manner, a leader should not discriminate the followers based on age, sex and abilities (Dimitriadis and Psychogios 2016). The leader should only evaluate the followers based on their performance. It would help to improve both organization culture and performance in an efficient manner. In order to achieve organizational objectives, a leader should earn trust from their followers. Implementing and maintaining ethical practices help to earn trust from the followers in an efficient manner. Knowledge Management and Leadership Knowledge management is a tool, which helps organizations to gather and evaluate stakeholders data. In order to conduct appropriate evaluation of stakeholders data, it is highly important to build efficient communication. Therefore, leadership is the major requirement through which it is possible to enrich communication with the internal and external stakeholders. Apart from that, innovative technology is required in order to improve knowledge management process of an organization (DeMatthews 2016). On the other hand, a leader is the person who can bring innovation with participative decision-making process. Therefore, it can be said a transformational leadership approach is required in order to improve knowledge management system. Vision and the duty cycle A leader should a long-term vision through which it is possible to handle sudden situation. Long-term vision helps the leaders to implement innovative strategies through which sustainability can be maintained. The leaders should gather feedbacks from the employees in order to improve the decision-making process (Johnson and McKenzie 2016). Moreover, the leader should promote the vision and mission among the followers in order to achieve overall goals. In this manner, it is possible to simplify the overall organizational objectives among the followers in an efficient manner. Reference list Benzie, H.J., Pryce, A. and Smith, K., 2016. The wicked problem of embedding academic literacies: exploring rhizomatic ways of working through an adaptive leadership approach.Higher Education Research Development, pp.1-14 DeMatthews, D.E., 2016. Competing Priorities and Challenges: Principal Leadership for Social Justice along the US-Mexico Border.Teachers College Record,118(8), p.n8 Dimitriadis, N. and Psychogios, A., 2016.Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach. Kogan Page Publishers Johnson, G. and McKenzie, L., 2016. Capacity Building for Parental Engagement in Reading: A Distributed Leadership Approach Between Schools and Indigenous Communities. InLeadership in Diverse Learning Contexts(pp. 365-387). Springer International Publishing Martin, A.J. and McCarthy, L., 2016. Developing Sport Team Culture and Collective Leadership.Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,87(S1), p.S93 Sheldon, S.B., 2016. Moving beyond monitoring: A district leadership approach to school, family, and community partnerships. InFamily-School Partnerships in Context(pp. 45-63). Springer International Publishing
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sattriya Dance Essay Example
Sattriya Dance Paper SATTRIYA DANCE-THE LIVING TRADITION OF ASSAM ABSTRACT This paper titled-‘Sattriya Dance-The Living Tradition of Assam’ basically talks about two different aspects related to this dance form. In the first part of the paper, Sattriya Dance as a medium for propagation of Vaishnavism has been discussed. In this part, the prominent role played by Srimanta Sankaradeva to spread the message of Bhakti Movement by using an expressive dance form has been described. This part of the paper basically talks about how Sattriya Dance was used as a communication tool to spread the message of Vaishnavism among the different tribes in Assam. In the second part of the paper, the rising popularity of Sattriya Dance due to the usage of different forms of media like Newspapers, Radio, Local Television channels, Internet etc have been described. Various examples have also been given where the prominent role played by the media in the promotion of Sattriya Dance can be clearly identified. INTRODUCTION When we think of the beautiful state of Assam, the words that usually strikes us is ‘tea’, ‘Ulfa’, ‘Bihu’ etc. But very few outsiders know that it is also a land of one of the exotic classical dances of India namely ‘Sattriya Dance’. It is not just a dance or an art form which is used as a means of entertainment and fun. It is something which is much more than that and has always been part of Assamese culture and tradition. This research paper attempts to look at this dance form from two angles-Sattriya dance as a powerful medium for propagation of the Vaishnava faith and Sattriya dance and its rising popularity through the use of media. Sattriya Dance as a communication tool for the propagation of the Vaishnava faith in Assam We will write a custom essay sample on Sattriya Dance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sattriya Dance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sattriya Dance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer During the 15th century, Assam was the home of people belonging to different culture, tribes, religions etc. The majority of the people belonged to non-Aryan tribes and they had distinct culture, customs and religious beliefs. It was seen that many religious followers at that time used to indulge in evil practices like animal sacrifices, human sacrifices, magical rites, spells etc on the name of religion. As a result of this, many poor economically backward classes of people became victims of these horrendous practices. There were religious conflicts and chaos all around. When Assam was going through this tough phase,Srimanta sankardeva appeared on the scene. Mahapurusha Srimanta Shankardeva was a saint-scholar, a spiritual leader, a social reformer, playwright and a very prominent figure in the cultural and religious history of Assam. He wanted to bring all the diverse communities of Assam under a systematized religious code by creating a religion which would bring new faiths, beliefs and abolish the trend of societal degradation and cultural distortion from the society. So he started a social movement in Assam named as the Bhakti movement to create an egalitarian civil society based on the principles of fraternity, equity, humanism and democracy. Through this movement, Srimanta Sankardeva preached a monotheistic philosophy called ‘Ek Xoron Naam Dharma’ which reflects the idea that there is only one God for all of us. Now, in order to spread the philosophy of Bhakti movement throughout the state of Assam, Srimanta Sankardeva introduced Sattriya dance form and used it as a powerful medium for propagation of the Vaishnava faith. Sattriya Dance is one of the classical dances of India which was originated in Assam. It is derived from the word ‘Sattra’ which means monasteries as it was earlier performed mostly in monastery kind of religious institutions. Rising popularity of Sattriya Dance because of the usage of media Even though Sattriya dance always had elements and features to become one of the Classical Dances of India, it was initially never considered as a classical dance. It was never put in the same pedestal as other classical dance forms of India. It was less popular as this art form was performed mostly within the walls of ‘Sattras’. It was mainly due to the efforts of Srimanta Sankaradeva, Late Moniram Dutta Mukhtiar Barbayan and Late Raseswar Saikia that this art form became accessible to the common public of Assam. But here, we cannot deny the fact that media also played a very prominent and important role in the rising popularity of Sattriya Dances. METHODOLOGY The methodology that the researcher followed was basically based on secondary research. The researcher collected lot of information and data from various reliable sources like certain Websites, Articles, Newspaper stories, Journals etc. Along with that, the researcher also did little bit of primary research by interviewing one of the very accomplished Sattriya Dancer named Mrs. Swapnali Chutia from Duliajan,Assam who provided with lot of essential information regarding the topic chosen by the researcher. After collecting all the information from these sources, the researcher analysed the data and came into conclusions that Sattriya Dance was very effectively used as a communication tool by Srimanta Sankardeva and the credit for its rising popularity can undoubtedly be given to the wonderful efforts made by media. The questions that were asked to Mrs. Swapnali Chutia,an accomplished Sattriya dancer from Duliajan,Assam are as follows: 1. What was the main purpose behind creating this rich art form of Sattriya Dance by Srimanta Sankaradeva? 2. Why Srimanta Sankardeva wanted to spread Bhakti Movement in Assam? 3. What are the special features of this art form which makes it special and unique? 4. What are the efforts made by media in Assam to promote this dance form among people? 5. How can it be promoted in a better way? ANALYSIS After scanning through all the information collected from various sources as well as the information received from the interview with Mrs. Swapnali Chutia,it can be said that Sattriya Dance is a very effective way to spread a message or a philosophy as more people come forward to watch these kind of dances and thereby gets influenced by the philosophy depicted by these art forms. It is entertaining as well as informative at the same time. Even though this dance form uses no narrations, it has many unique gestures and facial expressions which make this dance form very expressive. Not only this, it also has the flavour of many regional tribes in Assam because of which this dance form has been successful in reaching out to many people. After interviewing Mrs. Swapnali Chutia,who is an accomplished Sattriya Dancer, the researcher found out the history as well the origin of this rich dance form. It can be said that Srimanta Sankardeva could spread the philosophy of Vaishnavi in Assam so successfully only because he created this Dance form as a part of his plays ‘Ankiya Naat’. Otherwise it would not have been possible for him to bring so many people belonging to different tribes together under the common umbrella of Bhakti Movement. This dance form is so expressive that even without any narrations, with the help of only dancing, singing, footwork and hand gestures, it was able to spread the message of Bhakti. With the spread of this dance form, Srimanta Sankardeva united the various sects of Assam by establishing a universal social brotherhood of Neo-Vaishnavism. Thus Sattriya Dance became a very important part of the Bhakti movement led by Srimanta Sankardeva. The initial steps that Srimanta Sankaradeva took to spread bhakti movement through this dance form was setting up of many sattras or monasteries including the kirtanghars or the prayer halls and the namghars or the community prayer halls in various places in Assam. The doors of these religious institutions were open to all irrespective of caste or gender as Srimanta Sankaradeva believed in the principle of equality. It is in these institutions where ‘Sattriya Dance ‘was performed. This art form reflected the philosophy of Vaishnamism and when large scale of people came to see the dance, they got influenced and became part of the Bhakti movement. In this way, this dance form attracted a number of disciples, who followed Srimanta Sankaradeva’s preaching with great zeal and took the same to the common people. Slowly and gradually, Sattriya dance began to gain roots in the Assamese society. Seeing the growing popularity of the Bhakti Movement due to ‘Sattriya Dance’,Srimanta Sankaradeva established many more ‘Sattras’which became the nerve –centres of the Bhakti movement. In a way, this dance form was responsible in giving birth to a new culture-‘Sattriya Culture’, which was immensely successful in moulding the Assamese society. Sattriya Dance as a dance form has lot of hastas or hand movements, choreographic patterns, distinctive costumes and a variety of masks which reflects the philosophy of Vaishnavism. The music mostly depends on the ‘Khol’, a drum associated with Vaishnavism. The Sattriya Dance basically extols the virtues of Krishna who was an important and popular focus of the devotional and ecstatic aspects of the ‘Bhakti Movement’. In order to attract the different tribes residing in Assam, Srimanta Sankaradeva employed various techniques in this dance form. There are influences of Assam’s traditional and folk dances, sculpture and other images in Sattriya dance. Also the colourful cultural elements of different tribes such as the Mishings, the Bodos and the Deuris can be found in Sattriya. Many folk characteristics like hand gestures found in the dances of the Mishings, footwork and body movements in Bodo dances and the gait of the Deuri folk dance are present in Sattriya Dance. In this way, Srimanta Sankaradeva introduced these indigenous elements of the Assamese culture in this dance form so that the natives of Assam could relate to this dance form and thereby gets influenced to follow the path of Vaishnavism. Thus we can say that Sattriya Dance proved to be a very powerful medium for the propagation of Vaishnavism in Assam. The second part of the research paper clearly points out how media have played a prominent role in promoting this dance form not only within Assam but also throughout India. It can be seen that though because of media and various other kinds of promotional activities, this dance form was finally recognized as a classical dance form of India in 2001,it has still a long way to go as far as its popularity throughout India is considered. But at the same time we cannot deny the fact that different forms of media like Radio, Print, and Television etc are making efforts in every possible way to popularize this dance form throughout India. The problem lies in the fact that till now only Assamese media have made more efforts to spread this art orm. If the media belonging to various other states also come forward to promote this rich traditional dance, then it will surely reach out to more people and thus become more popular. In the recent past, different forms of media in Assam like Newspapers, Television, different other media organizations have really come forward to extensively cover this art form and make it more popular. The role played by media in making th is art form more popular can be seen through various examples. In the year 1988, Door Darshan organized a Sattriya dance performance based on the role of Shishu Krishna in Ankiya Nat ‘Pimpora Gusuwa’, which was directed by ‘Natasurjya’Ratna Ojah. One Devdasi Sattriya performance was made part of a T. V serial ‘Gunjan’ (Commission serial) in the year 2000. Sattriya dance was also part of a National Level VCD ‘Nandera Nandan’ which was produced and directed by Smt. Anjali Mahanta Roy Choudhury in the year2006. In the year 1999,Sattriya Dance was also made part of a documentary named ‘Masoloi Mature Batere’. Indira P. P Bora is a very famous Sattriya dancer and also one of the two grade artistes of Doordarshan(Indian National Television Network). She had used the medium of television to promote Sattriya dance. She had presented many series of ‘National Programme of Dance’ on Sattriya in the Indian Television. She is still a regular performer of Guwahati,Chennai and Kolkata Television centres. She has also appeared in BBC television, Vision of Asia Television (USA) and in many foreign television channels where she had spoken about Sattriya dance. Miss Prateesha Suresh who is a very acclaimed Sattriya Dancer had established a non –profit organization named as ‘Pratishruti Foundation’ in the year 2008 to promote and spread the richness of Sattriya in Assam as well as around the world. In one of the festivals organized by this foundation, media had played a very prominent role by presenting around 15 different artists who had come from places like Majuli, Guwahati etc to the common public through local channels and news-papers. Along with that, several people from media also came forward to help this organization by conducting Seminars, Lecture-Demonstrations, and Cultural Shows, Dance festivals to promote Sattriya Dance in and around Assam. Media have also contributed immensely by designing several websites such as www. sattriya dance . com, www. sattriya. com,mridusattriya. blogspot. com based on this exotic dance form. These websites in a way helps in promotion of this art form by reaching to a large group of people. Media have not only promoted this dance form through the usage of Print or Broadcast communication. It has also made Posters, Hoardings, Pamphlets, and Manuals etc to spread this dance form. Sri Ghanakanta Bora, who is one of the most eminent Gurus of Sattriya dance has written two books on this dance form-‘Mati Akhora’ and ‘Khol Sikhsa’. In this way, he used the medium of print to promote and preserve this dance form among the natives of Assam. Also Dancer Mallika Kandali had written two books based on Sattriya dance. The names are as follows- ‘Nrityakala Prasanga Aru Sattriya Nritya’ and ‘Sattriya Sanskritir Surabhi’. Radio is also not left behind in the promotion of this art form. All India Radio, Dibrugarh airs a programme called as ‘Bhakti-neeti’ every morning where ‘Borgeet’ which is the main music of Sattriya Dance is played. Also the time when Sattriya Dance was not considered to be one of the classical dances of India inspite of having all the elements of a classical dance, All India Radio, Guwahati used to air a lot of programmes based on this issue like debates, seminars, speeches etc. It is mainly due to these efforts taken by the different forms of media that Sattriya Dance was finally recognized as a classical dance form of India on the 14th November of 2001 by Sangeet Natak Academy. Sangeet Academy under the ministry of culture had launched a special project of support to Sattriya dance and all traditions since 2002. Under this project,many seminars on the subject of ‘Sattriya Dance’ as well as training programme of Sattriya Dance for children under eminent gurus was organized in different parts of Assam. It was media who came forward to support this project. The local newspapers covered the seminars,training programmes extensively. The local news channels also came forward to cover these events and thereby promoted this exotic dance form among the Assamese people. Local newspapers have also played a very important role in the promotion of Sattriya Dance in Assam by publication of various articles related to this beautiful art form. For examples, the online edition of The Hindu newspaper had recently on February 27th, 2011 had carried one article titled ‘Sattriya Dance yet to get its due’ where Mallika Kandali, a famous Sattriya dancer had spoken about the preserving of the rich heritage of the ‘Sattriya Culture’. Also one more article titled ‘Sattriya’s spectacle’ was published in the online version of The Hindu ewspaper on May 27th,2011 where Madhavi Puranam had written a detailed review on a Sattriya performance held recently in the city of Guwahati. The Telegraph, Kolkata edition had also published an article titled ‘Sattriya exponent dies’ on the issues of March 27th,2011 where the journalist had written about the demise of eminent Sattriya dance exponent Mr. Ananda Mohan Bhagawati and his immense contribution in the field of Sattriya. In this way, different newspapers have played a role in the promotion of Sattriya Dance. So we can say that media have really played a very prominent role in the popularization as well as in the promotion of this unique dance form called as Sattriya Dance. CONCLUSION Through this research paper titled ‘Sattriya Dance-The living tradition of India’, it is concluded that Sattriya Dance was very effectively used as a communication tool by Srimanta Sankaradeva and his disciples to spread the philosophy of ‘Bhakti movement’ among the various tribes of Assam. This dance form is based on the virtues of Lord Krishna who was a very important aspect of the ‘Bhakti Movement’. In this way, with the usage of this dance form as a tool,Srimanta Sankardeva had influenced many different tribes in Assam to follow the philosophy of Vaishnavism. Through the second part of the paper, it can be concluded that media had played a very prominent role in making this dance form more popular in Assam as well as outside Assam. Different forms of media like Print media, Radio, Broadcasting media, Internet etc had contributed in their own way in promoting the richness of this exotic dance form. REFERENCES Das Mridusmita â€Å"Sattriya Dance,an Indian Classical dance that originated from the state of Assam’WelcometoMridusattriya. om25june,2011 Tankha Madhur â€Å"Spotlight on Sattriya Dance â€Å"The Hindu 15 june, 2011 http://www. hindu. com/2006/07/15/stories/2006071503040200. htm www. sattriya. com Ponmellil, V. A. â€Å"India-Sattriya dance†newkerala. com24 June, 2011 http://www. newkerala. com/india/Dance-Forms-of-India/Sattriya-Dance. html www. sattriyadancecompany. com Lalwani Ramesh â€Å"Sattriya dance by students of Ghana Kanta Bora Borbayan-3†Flicker 25 June, 2011 http://www. flickr. com/photos/ramesh_lalwani/5083331177/ January 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sattriya. Swapnali, Chutia. What is the origin of Sattriya Dance Meghna Devchoudhury. Tuesday june 2011. APPENDICES 1. The questions that were asked to Mrs. Swapnali Chutia,an accomplished Sattriya dancer from Duliajan, Assam are as follows: What was the main purpose behind creating this rich art form of Sattriya Dance by Srimanta Sankaradeva? Why Srimanta Sankardeva wanted to spread Bhakti Movement in Assam? What are the special features of this art form which makes it special and unique? What are the efforts made by media in Assam to promote this dance form among people? How can it be promoted in a better way? 2. [Assam] Sattriya Dances must endorse Bhakti Ras Nava Thakuria Mon, 21 Jul 2008 06:36:39 -0700 Dear friends, Here is a news item for your information and use. Regards, Nava Thakuria Sattriya Dances must endorse Bhakti Ras Guwahati: The Sattriya dances must endorse the devotional character and Bhakti Rasa (spiritual aspect) should be predominant in this Nritya. More over, the gracefulness of the performers must be maintained during the performance, commented Dr PJ Mahanta, an authority on Sattriya Sanskriti. Attending a media workshop on the appreciation of Sattriya dances in Guwahati Press Club on Monday (July 21), Dr Mahanta also maintained that media persons should have the authentic and comprehensive knowledge on the dance form before reporting the events related to the classical dace form. Mentionable that Sattriya Nritya is recognized as one of eight principal classical Indian dance traditions. Sattriya dance has been a living tradition since it its creation by the greatest son of the soil, Srimanta Sankardeva in the 15th century in Assam. Sankardeva created the Sattriya dance to accompany the Ankiya Naat (a form of Assamese one-act plays devised by him) which was usually performed in the Sattras (Assamese monastery). One can find references of Sattriya Nritya are found in the ancient Indian classical texts like Natyashastra, Kalikapurana, Yoginitantra, Abhinayadarpana and also in various sculptures and historical relics. The other resource person of the workshop, Krishnamurti Hazarika has advised the journalists to continue reporting on the cultural activities with a sustained effort. He also emphasized on personal interaction of the journalists with the performers. Anwesa Mahanta, a young Sattriya performer of Assam, presented few Bhangimas of the dance form. Nearly 20 journalists attended the workshop. The GPC secretary Nava Thakuria, while offering thanks to the resource persons, declared that the press club would organize a major media workshop, comprising journalists from all Northeastern states, on all the classical dance forms of the country in Guwahati. 3. K. PRADEEP |Indira P. P. Bora has reinvented `Sattriya Nritya and given it a new lease of life.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Measure Distances on a Map (How to Steps)
Measure Distances on a Map (How to Steps) Maps are useful for more than just directions. They can also help you determine the distance between two (or more) places. The scales on a map can be different types, from words and ratios to pictorial. Decoding the scale is the key to determining your distance. Heres a quick guide on how to measure distances on a map. All youll need is a ruler, some scratch paper, and a pencil. Heres How Use a ruler to measure the distance between the two places. If the line is quite curved, use a string to determine the distance, and then measure the string.Find the scale for the map youre going to use. It might be a ruler bar scale or a written scale, in words or numbers.If the scale is a word statement (i.e. 1 centimeter equals 1 kilometer) then determine the distance by simply measuring with a ruler. For example, if the scale says 1 inch 1 mile, then for every inch between the two points, the real distance is that number in miles. If your measurement is 3 5/8 inches, that would be 3.63 miles.If the scale is a representative fraction (and looks like 1/100,000), multiply the distance of the ruler by the denominator, which denotes distance in the ruler units. The units will be listed on the map, such as 1 inch or 1 centimeter. For example, if the map fraction is 1/100,000, the scale says centimeters, and your points are 6 centimeters apart, in real life theyll be 600,000 centime ters apart or 6 kilometers. If the scale is a ratio (and looks like this 1:100,000), youll multiply the map units by the number following the colon. For example, if you see 1:63,360, that is 1 inch 1 mile on the ground.For a graphic scale, youll need to measure the graphic, for example, white and black bars, to determine how much ruler distance equates to distance in reality. You can either take your ruler measurement of the distance between your two points and place that on the scale to determine real distance, or you can use scratch paper and go from the scale to the map.To use paper, youll place the edge of the sheet next to the scale and make marks where it shows distances, thus transferring the scale to the paper. Then label the marks as to what they mean, in real distance. Finally, youll lay the paper on the map between your two points to determine the real-life distance between them.After youve found out your measurement and compared with the scale, youll convert your units of measurement into the most convenient units for you (i.e., convert 63,360 inches to 1 mile or 600,000 cm to 6 km, as above). Look Out Watch out for maps that have been reproduced and have had their scale changed. A graphic scale will change with the reduction or enlargement, but other scales become wrong. For example, if a map was shrunk down to 75 percent on a copier to make a handout and the scale says that 1 inch on the map is 1 mile, its no longer true; only the original map printed at 100 percent is accurate for that scale.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Las Meninas essays
Las Meninas essays Las Meninas by Diego Velzquez is a painting with some puzzlement. It is hard to tell whether the painting is a Genre scene or a history painting. It could be both, indeed this is a painting of everyday life for this family, but it also documents a particular point in time for a well to do family. The painting takes place in the home of King Phillip IV. The focal point of the painting is his daughter princess Margharita. She is being attended to by a kneeling woman and surrounded by several others. (Adams 670) If you look closely at the canvas itself, you will notice that it looks to be divided into thirds. Now it could be an after effect form its recent cleaning or it has always been there on the surface. It is possible that the image is much more vibrant after its cleaning and the images in the background are blurry because of it. The Infanta is in the center of the painting and it dressed elegantly. Her maids that are surrounding her are dressed in the same manor suggesting wealth above the normal classes. The child has a look that reaches out side the canvas and draws the viewer into the action. The woman that is to her right is also looking in the same direction suggesting that she is actually looking at someone or something. The mirror on the wall in the background further suggests this. There are three light sources in the painting. The two main one s are the windows that are to the right of the painting and the third is the doorway. The window to the right of it illuminates the image on the wall in the background. The glare that is visible on the edges of the mirror proves that it is a mirror and not a painting. The mirror is on back the wall where several paintings are. These paintings are a lot darker and are in shadow. This creates a secondary focal point by making the mirror stand out against them. The image in the mirror is known to be the King and his wife. (Adams 671) The presence of a reflection creates a t...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Project Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7
Project Risk Management - Essay Example ting because there are number of inputs into the sample model that are unknown and one technique is to obtain the approximate estimate for each input. The Monte Carlo models and methods use the probability distribution of the inputs and generated random inputs. On the contrary, if the approach used is the probability distribution rather than using the best single estimate or the inputs, it is not that easy and often simply impossible (Pietersz, 2011, n.p.) Risk Assessment Process is defined as the process in which businesses, companies and organizations focus on vital and serious areas of concern and prioritize resources in order to maximize the response and recovery efforts (Michigan State University, 2004, n.p.). In addition, risk management plan will not be more effective and complete if risk response strategies are not suitable in developing the mitigating risks (Ahmed, Azhar & Panthi, 2007, n.p.). The risk response matrix grid is populated by a (+) and a (-) signs because it is very useful in making and finalizing a certain decisions. The Grid Analysis (+) sign describes the number of good or positive alternatives to select from and other factors to consider while the (-) sign is not clear and preferred another option to choose from (Manktelow, 2011, n.p.). Thus, I would prefer to use the Monte Carlo Method as it helps a lot in solving mathematical problems in a fast and easy manner. The (+) and (-) signs that are used in Risk Response Matrix contributes in making decisions confidently, clusters the good ideas from bad ones and lesser the time required when people are struggling to make decision. Ahmed, S.M., Azhar, S. & Panthi K. (2007). Risk Matrix as a Guide to Develop Risk Response Strategies, n.p. Retrieved on December 9, 2011 from Michigan State University: School of Criminal Justice. (2004, February 25). Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) Process (n.p.). Retrieved on December 9, 2011 from
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